Autumn Gardening and Hot Cross Buns

Well Autumn is here and I’m loving it! Such a beautiful time of year as the days and nights start to cool down. A lot of seed has been going into the garden and mental planning of when and what Winter vegetables I’m needing to get started, so I don’t leave my run too late.Continue reading “Autumn Gardening and Hot Cross Buns”

Springtime and New Beginnings

Well it has been lovely to be in the garden, preparing the soil for Spring vegetables after some much needed rain. There is just nothing like working or for that matter enjoying the garden and outdoors after rain, everything is alive and fresh and singing it’s thanks. Even the birds are excited and especially active.Continue reading “Springtime and New Beginnings”

Chicken Pie, Cackleberries and Winter Wonders!

Well it’s been a while since my last post! I hope you haven’t given up on me! It feels wonderful to be back : ) The month of May has been a time of feeling under the weather, getting sick, then getting better and catching-up. It can be quite a process! It’s lovely to beContinue reading “Chicken Pie, Cackleberries and Winter Wonders!”